
Sunday, 14 February 2016

Bob coy

Bob Coy sermons deleted after scandal. Megachurch members. Pastor Bob Coy scandal: Resigns from Calvary Chapel Fort. Five US Preachers Who Fell From Grace Like Florida's Bob Coy.

Two more Christian hypocrites exposed - The Freethinker. The Ecclesiastical Domino Effect, Moriel Archive.

Bob coy

The Calvary Chapel flock was dealt another heavy blow this week after the current leadership removed all of former pastor Bob Coy's sermons, podcasts, and. Caught on a surveillance camera snogging a woman who was not his wife, and Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Pastor Bob Coy, 58, confessed in a letter to. The odds of the biggest Evangelical Mega church in Asia, the church of Yonggi Cho in Seoul, Korea and the largest Mega Church in the USA, Bob Coy's Calvary.

Megachurch pastor resigns over 'moral failing', Daily Mail Online

Megachurch Pastor Bob Coy abruptly resigned Sunday afternoon, ending his 30year leadership at one of the largest churches in the country.