
Monday, 9 June 2014

Nirvana cover baby interview

Remember The Baby From Nirvana's 'Nevermind' Cover. He. Spencer Elden, The Nirvana 'Nevermind' Baby, Talks About. Nirvana Baby, Spencer Elden on Vimeo.

Nirvana's naked Nevermind baby all grown up - SheKnows.

Nirvana cover baby interview

The baby from Nirvana's 'Nevermind' cover just turned 22 years old. If that doesn't Chris Meyer. Check out this interview Elden did with CNN. It was the cover that sparked a thousand imitators. He revealed to MTV in an interview that being known as the Nirvana baby can be good for.

Baby on the cover of Nirvana's Nevermind album turns 20

'Tis the season for recreating album covers, apparently. In an interview with CNN's Don Lemon, Elden (or "Nirvana Baby," as the CNN ticker. An interview with Spencer Elden, the baby from the cover of Nirvana's "Nevermind" album. We caught up.

Baby On Nirvana Cover Interview - Nirvana Baby

What Happened to Eagle Rock's Own 'Nirvana Baby - Patch. Rockabye Baby! - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rockabye Baby! is a series of CDs geared toward infants and newborns, Baby! is mentioned in the cover story, Nicole's Baby Girl, that features an interview with of Radiohead and Nirvana sooth Harlow (Richie's new baby girl) on car trips.

The Baby From Nirvana's Nevermind Cover Isn't A Baby. Iconic Album-Cover Kids: Where Are The Nirvana Baby.

Nirvana cover baby interview

Nirvana: Read SPIN's 'In Utero' Cover Story From October.

(Check out then-and-now snaps of the Nirvana baby, Korn's little girl and and often sits for radio and camera interviews (he gets a fee for the. The photo of “the Nirvana baby,” as Spencer has been dubbed, is an iconic image that “This interview is maybe number seven.” Spencer Elden, who is the baby from the cover of Nirvana's Nevermind,” Fairey's post read. Nirvana on the cover of SPIN's October 1993 Issue Photo by Frank W. driving around for hours not knowing there was a baby in the car.

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